Archive for November, 2008

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

I have photographed a lot of newborn babies this year. I totally love seeing all their little faces and how sweet they are. Recently, one of my brother’s best friends brought his new baby in. Dad wasn’t really planning on being in the photos except for his hands, but I couldn’t help snapping the picture of him looking down at her. I’ve never seen him look so happy or proud. This is why I love my job so much…..I get to be there and witness special little moments in time like that….congrats again on your new baby….she is sooooooo sweet!!!


Monday, November 10th, 2008

Thanks to everyone who came to our Halloween special!!! The portraits are not quite ready yet (it will probably be another week) but we just wanted to show off a few of our favorites. There are also a few others on the web site!! We absolutely love this holiday, all the kids are so cute.
The special went great, we ended up photographing about 40 more kids than last year, but for some reason, the wait was never longer than 15 minutes. Don’t forget, the Christmas special is this Saturday, November 15 from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!!!

Mother Nature

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Several years ago I rescued a mother dog and her 13 babies from the animal shelter. We managed to find great homes for all but two of the puppies. So, I kept the mother and her two puppies. A couple of years ago, one of the puppies, now probably 8 years old, died. Then earlier this year, we had to make the sad decision to have the mother euthanized because she was in a lot of pain due to old age. That left one dog by herself. She was so sad that she sat in the yard and howled and cried all day. I was going to go to the shelter and get another dog to see if that helped when a stray cat showed up and our house. So why am I telling you this sad story?? Because Sausha, our dog, has never liked cats AT ALL but LOVES this new cat. The cat also had a surprise for us and about 4 weeks ago, blessed us with nine new baby kittens. I just think that God knew Sausha our dog was sad and lonely and sent her 10 new friends!!!