Archive for January, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

It has been about two weeks since I got back from my national convention and it has been crazy busy (as always) around here, so I’m just now getting around to posting a few of my favorite photos.  The convention was in Phoenix.  It was beautiful and sunny everyday.  My sister and niece went with me and we had a great time.  One of the things we did while there was to go to the Desert Botanical Gardens.  Lucky for us, the Chihuly exhibit was on display.  Dale Chihuly is a renowned artist who is known for his glass sculptures.  Anyway, awesome stuff…I has so much fun just walking around and doing photography of a different kind.  Although, I haven’t had time to “photoshop” any of this images…I still love them and plan to make some art pieces out of them.  My convention was also amazing because I got to hear several great seminars.  Sandy Puc, an amazing children and baby photographer from Colorado, was truley inspirational.  As well as Hanson Fong, top of the line wedding dude from San Fransciso.  But probably the most incredible thing was I got to see Anne Geddes.  She was so humble and sweet for someone of her success and fame.  She showed images but mostly talked about being true to yourself and shooting from the heart…soooooo inspiring.  All professional photographers work really hard.  I think it is something that most people don’t realize.  Last year I was averaging anywhere from 55 to 72 hours per week.  When you work that hard, it is easy to get burnt out even though you LOVE what you do.  But just hearing her speak really reinforced why I chose this professsion.  It isn’t so much about making wonderful photos (although that is a part of it) but more about sharing peoples lives and being there during their special times.  I love being at weddings and seeing a Dad’s face when he sees his little girl in that beautiful gown.  I love being there when first time parents bring in their newborn for their first photos.  I love seeing all the kids who play T-ball and how cute they are in those little uniforms.  I have been truly blessed with a career that allows me to share special times with people in my community….so thanks to all my customers who let me into your lives.

Naughty or Nice???

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

I know it’s a little late but I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Business has been great this year. Even with the economy we have been crazy busy. I do not even know where the last few months of this year have gone. I’m like the carpenter who doesn’t fix things at their own house. Unfortunately, I was so busy at the studio, I did not get my own Christmas cards out in the mail this year. I even took the photos, downloaded some of Spencer’s artwork, and came up with a great idea. Whatever, then it sat on my desk. So, hang in there, I may just send cards in February. I leave in the am for Phoenix to see Anne Geddes….I’m so excited. Anyway, still need to pack, edit 3 sessions, email a bride, blah, blah, blah…so I better get going. Again, I hope everyone had a great holiday season!!!