Mother Nature

Several years ago I rescued a mother dog and her 13 babies from the animal shelter. We managed to find great homes for all but two of the puppies. So, I kept the mother and her two puppies. A couple of years ago, one of the puppies, now probably 8 years old, died. Then earlier this year, we had to make the sad decision to have the mother euthanized because she was in a lot of pain due to old age. That left one dog by herself. She was so sad that she sat in the yard and howled and cried all day. I was going to go to the shelter and get another dog to see if that helped when a stray cat showed up and our house. So why am I telling you this sad story?? Because Sausha, our dog, has never liked cats AT ALL but LOVES this new cat. The cat also had a surprise for us and about 4 weeks ago, blessed us with nine new baby kittens. I just think that God knew Sausha our dog was sad and lonely and sent her 10 new friends!!!

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